One Small Shift You Can Make in Your Words and Thoughts to Overhaul Your Confidence, Resilience, and Strength

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You know that words and even your thoughts affect you in ALL areas and in ALL the ways you show up...they are POWERFUL!

As a mom on your journey, it's vital that you take control of your thoughts and use your powerful words with purpose, so in this episode you will learn the small shift you can make in your words and thoughts to completely overhaul your confidence, resilience, and strength so things like discipline, consistency, and weight loss as a mom become a little bit less daunting!

Have you ever heard yourself say...

“My kids are driving me nuts today!”

“It’s impossible to get out of the house on time!”

“My husband never does anything around the house!”

It’s okay, we all have moments of frustration, but this line of thinking is is problem focused.

Instead, make your thoughts ACTION focused — put yourself in problem solving mode. That gets you OUT of the feeling of frustration and that movement OUT of that emotion is key.

Next time you notice yourself focusing on the PROBLEM in front of you, simply CHOOSE to think about a possible solution instead of staying stuck, okay?

Are you ready to get consistent so you can lose weight and actually feel confident as a mom?

Book your weight loss kickstart call and let's get you losing weight the right way!


[00:00:00] If you have been here for a hot second, you know, how much your words, and even your thoughts affect you in all areas and in all the ways you show up, they are powerful as a mom on your journey. It's vital that you take control of your thoughts and use your powerful words with purpose. So in this episode, you will learn the small shifts you can make in your words, and in your thoughts to completely overhaul your company.

Your resilience and strength. So discipline and consistency and ultimately weight loss as a mom become a little bit less daunting. Let's go.

Hey, mama. Welcome to the tough love mom podcast. I know you're here because you're ready to get consistent and finally lose that weight. And you're not afraid of a little tough love, you know, what to do to lose weight, but following through on those [00:01:00] things feels and possible. You wish you could just feel like your strong, confident self again, and want to be a good example for your little ones, but you get.

Bye mom guilt and the unpredictability of motherhood. It's frustrating taking on your journey. Postpartum is hard, but it's not impossible. Okay. I'm Liz. And I've been where you are. I gained a lot of weight in my pregnancies, 90 pounds, and then 60 pounds. I needed to lose that weight to take control of my health.

And honestly just wanted to feel like myself again, with the sustainable approach to weight loss, simple consistency in working on my mindset. I lost it all. Over a year, both times, and I'm here to help you do the same. I believe that we have an ingrained ability to figure out what we need to do, make it happen and do it in a way that honors the world.

If you're ready to stop falling off the wagon, create solid routine and healthy habits and finally feel your best inside. And. All enjoying Dino nuggets on your salad, you are in the right place. We're about to transform your journey. My [00:02:00] friend get pumped up. It is tough love times

before we dive in, I haven't always been perfect at this. You need to preface that with that. And I think, you know that I'm just sitting here chatting with you about what I've done, and I still do day to day. To make my journey work and the week make myself get results. And I have not always been perfect at this thing that I'm sharing today.

And to be honest, taking thoughts captive is something I do daily still. I think it's one of those practices. One of the skills that will be ongoing my whole life and your whole life. What I'm teaching you today is something I know Joe did just a few hours ago and it works. Have you ever heard yourself or somebody.

Self honesty can be hard. So it's okay. If you're new here, I promise you'll get more and more equipped and confident in that self honesty. So if you're thinking of someone else that does this, that's totally fine. But [00:03:00] if you've ever heard yourself say this too. Cool. There's your self honesty, but have you ever heard, oh, my kids are driving me nuts today or, you know, people that post on social media, a lot of the times you'll hear the algorithm hates me or my husband never does anything around this house.

We all have those moments of frustration and those moments of weakness. Like I said, I had thoughts like this this morning with my children. I love them. But sometimes I have those thoughts. My, my initial thought around certain things is negative like that. But what this line of thinking is, is problem-focused in a sense it's creating you to be the victim.

To what's going on in your life to your circumstances. And it's focusing solely on the problem in front of you. A shift you could make that would be helpful is what can I do to figure out what my kids need instead of, oh, my kids are driving me nuts today. That all you're thinking about is how they're making you feel [00:04:00] in that frustration.

So instead a shift and a shift or a reaction to that initial thought, because again, we can't control the initial thought that comes into our minds. But we can choose how we respond to it so we can make that response be what can I do to figure out what my kids need? Because clearly they're telling me they need something.

The algorithm hates me. Okay. I'm not giving my audience in this app. What it wants, what can I do to change? My husband never does anything around the house. What does my husband do to support the family that I might not be noticing? This is going from a victim mindset, to be honest and call it what it is to owning the problem.

And this shift is not easy and it really, it doesn't happen every time either. It can be really easy to get stuck in that feeling, but it shifts. From a problem focused mindset to problem solving mode. It gets you action-oriented, it gets your mind into this [00:05:00] action oriented mindset. Instead of staying stuck in that feeling of frustration.

Now, this is truly a tough love tip because we came in quick, we came at hot and I just called out what. And gave you a way out of it. And that movement out of the emotion is key. It really is. We've got to stay, not stuck. We cannot get stuck in that feeling. We have to move out of it. And the best way to move is to act and to step and to figure out what that problem in front of us needs to be solved.

Next time you notice yourself focusing on the problem in front of you. Again, remind herself, this is normal. It happens to me all throughout. It is very normal. Okay. So do not condemn yourself. Do not feel bad about this. Just notice that you're doing it and choose to think about a possible solution instead of staying stuck.

Okay. If you want reminders like this more often, cause this was super short and to the point, if you want fun and quick reminders like this way more often text [00:06:00] tough. Love to 2 0 5, 8 0 9 7300. Or you can click tough love, text below so you can get quick motivating, spur you on reminders like this every single week.

It's my totally free Textless. We can chat back and forth on there. So make sure you text tough love. Two words to 2 0 5, 8 0 9 7 3 0 0. Go get after it. Before you go, thank you for spending this time with me on the tough love mom podcast. At this episode, encouraged you in any way. The number one way you can thank me is to leave her a review.

Letting me know how the show has impacted you. Then send this episode to another mom friend or. Take a screenshot posted on social media and tag me so I can personally thank you for helping me on this journey to impact thousands of moms. I'm so grateful to be out of starting with your sister until next time.

Get after it.


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