Where Can You Find Accountability For Your Weight Loss Journey as a Mom? 3 Unexpected Places You'll Find It [Starting Point Session]

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Once you're disciplined and consistent in your journey, do you NEED accountability anymore? If so, where does it come from?

In this episode, you get to hear the tail end of a Starting Point Session where my client asked about where I get accountability from and the answer will surprise you! You're going to learn the difference between outward and inward accountability, how accountability shifts as you get more consistent in your journey, and you'll hear about a few surprising places YOU can find accountability! Time to listen in!

At the end of this Starting Point Session, my client asked about where someone further along in their journey finds accountability… and do they even need it?

Personally, being in that place now, that question got me thinking. And the answer is yes, it is needed, but it comes from some unexpected places.

In short, they are —

  1. Inward accountability and how consistency begets motivation from within

  2. Outward accountability by others seeing you stay consistent

  3. Finally feeling GOOD

Want the real scoop and in depth info on this? Go listen!

Are you ready to go from overwhelmed and stuck to disciplined and consistent in your journey?

Book your Starting Point Session and let's get you on track to your healthiest life!


[00:00:00] So, this is a first today on this podcast, you get to hear inside one of my starting point sessions because this client of mine, she had extra time left over because she's doing, she did a package with me. and she's getting recurring calls for longer accountability. And she asked me this amazing question about where I find, or if I even need accountability anymore with where I'm at in my journey.

So you get to hear my answer to her question, a little bit of encouragement about the timeline that it takes on motherhood to make these changes in your habits. Just encouraging her to stay the course with what she's doing with what she's implemented in herself and her own journey in her life, through these starting point sessions.

So I do wanna let you know that if you wanna grab one of these, this is, this is kinda like where we just hang out, you get 45 minutes with me. If you just do one call, if you do a package of three, you get 3 45 minute calls with me. And that first one we really dive in. We use all 45 minutes, but on the subsequent ones, you know, we're, we're checking in, I'm getting your accountability [00:01:00] check and we're seeing where you're.

We're pivoting if we need to, or pursuing a new stepping stone in your journey, and we get a little bit of time to just hang out and chat at the end. And that's what we were doing on this call. So you get to hear this awesome. I mean, seriously, when she asked me the question, I was like, can I make this a podcast episode girl, because it's good.

And it was so good. So she asked, where do I find my accountability? Me personally, Liz, where is my accountability come from? Do I even need it at this point in my journey? And what does it look like when it comes to different areas of your. And getting accountability, like where does accountability actually come from?

Is it always a group or does it come from other areas too? So we talk about all that today. It was, ANMA amazing, like 10 minutes, Q and a at the end of our call there. And if you wanna grab one of these, I only have about eight to nine spots per month, because again, it's time on my calendar in your calendar.

So there's only a limited amount of spots per month. If you wanna book one of these, hang out with me for 45 minutes and. I mean, the real important part [00:02:00] is the fact that you're gonna figure out exactly where you need to start on your postpartum journey to losing weight. We're gonna figure out, should you start with workouts?

Should you start with nutrition? Should you start with mastering your routine and your schedule? Like where do you need to focus on first? Because if you try to focus on all of it at once, you're gonna fall off, you're gonna get frustrated. It's gonna feel complicated and you're gonna get on that rollercoaster that no one.

To ride. So book your starting point session@thetoughlovemom.com slash coaching. If you're like me and you prefer to just go to the show notes. If you scroll down, you'll see the link to the booking page as well. You'll go straight to my website and you'll get to see all the information, the pricing and my availability.

So you can book your starting point session and figure out exactly where you need to start. What one simple habit that it's gonna become. Just part of who you are, what you need to start. So you can make your postpartum weight loss journey simple. So you can do it with consistency. And so you can truly make this a lifestyle change.

So let's get into her question.[00:03:00] 

Hey, mama. Welcome to the tough love mom podcast. I know you're here because you're ready to get consistent and finally lose that weight. And you're not afraid of a little tough love, you know, what to do to lose weight. But following through on those things feels impossible. You wish you could just feel like you're strong, confident self again, and want to be a good example for your little ones, but you get thrown.

By mom guilt and the unpredictability of motherhood. It's frustrating taking on your journey. Postpartum is hard, but it's not impossible. Hey, I'm Liz and I've been where you are. I gained a lot of weight in my pregnancies, 90 pounds, and then 60 pounds. I needed to lose that weight to take control of my health.

And honestly just wanted to feel like myself again with a sustainable approach to weight loss, simple consistency in working on my mindset. I lost it all in. Over a year, both times, and I'm here to help you [00:04:00] do the same. I believe that we have an ingrained ability to figure out what we need to do, make it happen and do it in a way that AWS the world, if you're ready to stop falling off the wagon, create solid routine and healthy habits.

And finally feel your best inside and out all enjoying D nuggets on your salad. You are in the right place. We're about to transform your journey. My friend get pumped up. It is tough. Love time,

any questions or things you wanna chat through or, um, anything else? I don't think so. Other than just someone like you, who like I find your Instagram. And stuff, very inspiring and motivating, but for yourself, do you, because I feel like as soon as I have account accountability makes a huge difference, but, um, part of me feels like, well, you shouldn't need accountability forever.

Like, why can't you just do it on your own? So for someone like [00:05:00] you, do you still have people who you're accountable to, or do you just. You just become that disciplined that you don't need that anymore. That's a good question. All right. Oh man. So I. The foundational things, what you would call the foundational things like working out consistently early on, especially right after having kids, there was definitely a level of accountability I needed, whether it was.

And honestly, my husband does that for me. It's like, Hey, I need work out like four times this week to feel like myself. And there was never a time. I like didn't do it four times a week, but if I had, I know he would've been like, why are you just sitting on the couch? You know, Have you worked out yet, you know, and he does it in a very loving way, but yes, he would do that if I needed him to that's nice.

And even just telling. Personally me just telling him what I'm going to do is enough accountability for me to follow through on something. Right? So with the foundational things, like, you know, not over snacking at [00:06:00] night or working out consistently or drinking a certain number of wa like certain amount of water, or like the may consistency challenge with walking a mile a day.

Those are things that I think the accountability, if I do struggle at all, comes from just knowing I have other people looking to me for. You know, inspiration or motivation, whatever word you wanna use. Yes. So on days it is a little harder. That's a piece of it. I don't have like a person for those foundational things.

That's accountability. They're more like, I don't know the word for it. They're more internal, but not about me. So it it's like a, it's like a mental thing that goes on in my head. I'm like, well, if I'm not, if I don't work out for like four days, people are gonna see, like they're gonna notice. Yes. Yes. You have a lot of eyes.

Yeah for you. Yeah. Yeah. So that's, that's like a small piece of it. And another piece of it is the benefits that come from it are kind of my accountability in themselves. Right? Cause I know like my back hurts really bad when I eat a lot of inflammatory foods, my energy levels are horrible [00:07:00] and I'm more irritable when I don't work out consistently.

And that affects my kids. So that always comes to mind when I'm not feeling like doing certain things. So I. The accountability for those foundational things, isn't really a person anymore, or like a go-to it just kind of becomes how it makes me feel, right. How it affects myself and other people. And. It's kinda like, okay, how is this, this me doing this or not going to affect myself and other people?

That's what the accountability has come to. And then thing, I mean, I still have accountability with, there's a lot of stuff within my business that I have accountability with with other people. Yeah. Finishing the website last month. I needed massive accountability for that, or I would've kept putting it off because it's just something I don't wanna do.

It's not in my wheelhouse. It doesn't come naturally. So stuff like that, if I'm trying to think. Like running. I didn't do a lot until, you know, a few months ago after having kids and. Having like an end goal to work towards was some accountability and knowing, Hey, I'm gonna run this race. And people know [00:08:00] I put it out there.

I told people, so now I to go do it. that was crazy. That was accountability. I don't think I wanna do that again. simply verbalizing it to other people what I want to do. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's really. Becomes, and it doesn't have to be, you know, posting about it on social media. It could genuinely just be telling your husband or telling a close friend or telling your kids.

Yeah, they are a great accountability. Believe me. Yeah. yeah. That's thank you. I, I was just kind of curious because sometimes I'm like, I know accountability. I mean, it does its job for me. Mm-hmm um, but I'm just like, oh, come on. You should be able to just do it, but I can see that, especially till you. To it's all a part of your life.

Like actually that you may not need an actual person or something or group to hold you accountable so much because I used to work out a lot and I loved it and it was [00:09:00] a part of my life. I didn't feel like I needed accountability for that, but now it's not so it would have to be again to get back into it.

Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, The accountability I needed to work out consistently after having kids was telling my husband, it was sharing about it with other people, with other friends, um, obviously on social media. The biggest factor was being, being like, Hey, Casey, I need to work out four times this week to just kind of get back into this and there's gonna be days.

I don't feel like it. And I would tell him, I really don't feel like doing this right now. And he'd be like, well, just go do it. And it'll, and that, I mean, that's really where it starts. And just knowing where to start too is so huge, which is why. It's so helpful that you're doing this for yourself, because you can go, okay.

I'm confident that I'm starting in the right place and I will follow through and then I can move forward, you know? Yeah, for sure. You'll get to the point where it becomes very internal and you realize, okay, what's this doing for me? How does this affect other people? That's [00:10:00] motivation enough in itself?

Like you get to, yes. It just takes time. Yeah. Cause so often I'm like, I know almost precisely what I should be doing. it's just that I don't, I didn't feel like I had it in me to actually do it. Yeah. But you do, you do if you've done it before? Yeah, I, I do. I just take it back out. Yeah. Well, and motherhood with motherhood, it looks so different.

Like, it looks much different than it ever did before having kids or before having a second. I mean, it's so different every time. I think that was a big thing. Yeah. A big part. Totally. I'm telling you that was so fun. Getting to just talk at the end there. Not only because I, I love, I just, as moms, we need that connection.

Don't we, we need that connection with other human beings. So it's an honor to get to serve those of you who are my clients already on these one-on-one starting point sessions, but man, it is so important. I think to realize. What we see and think of as like [00:11:00] standards in health and fitness, like accountability, workouts, nutrition, mindset, all these things.

They're very nuanced. And there there's so many different pieces and layers and things that we've into it that we don't really think of until we just take a stop, take a second to stop and think, right. Like for me, I didn't realize today until we started talking that a lot of my accountability is not outward.

It's not from other people. Maybe that's cuz I'm more of an introvert. , but it really is inward. It's an inward motivation. And that happened over time to be totally honest, that's something that came with consistency that motivation, that accountability goes from an outward source to an inward source. And that's when you know, you truly made it a lifestyle.

So I helped this cool, fun, short, sweet to the point Q and a just served you today. It opened your mind. Um, I'd love for you to book your own starting point session so we can hang out like. So I can answer your questions, but really, so we can dig in and figure out what's keeping you stuck, what you need to start with.

What one simple habit, what your [00:12:00] starting point is. So your journey can be simple. It can be uncomplicated and you can actually make these changes and these habits. True changes and true habits. Like they actually become part of who you are. And they're not just these things. You white knuckle, and constantly try to do, we are gonna make real change, but only if you go through your starting point session, cause that's really where we can dig in and learn and figure this out.

I do have something exciting coming in a couple months for you where. This will the ball, the ball will be more in your court and you're gonna get all of this knowledge and access that I've come to just dig up through all of these starting point sessions I've done with so many moms. So go grab one now, so we can just get you started because I don't want you stuck and frustrated until what I'm talking about comes out.

So I want you to make sure that you book one of those@thetoughlovemom.com slash coaching, and I'm gonna leave it at that. So you have an amazing. Monday, go get after it this week before you go. Thank you for spending this time with me on the tough love mom [00:13:00] podcast. If this episode encouraged you in any way, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a review, letting me know how this show has impacted you, then.

Send this episode to another mom friend, or take a screenshot, post it on social media and tag me so I can personally thank you for helping me on this journey to impact thousands of moms. I'm so grateful to be on this journey with your sister until next time. Get after it.


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