The 3 Foundational Pillars for Postpartum Weight Loss

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Weight loss as a mom can FEEL complicated, but it doesn't have to be. There are 3 pillars to postpartum weight loss and a way to make that foundation impenetrable and in this episode, you're going to learn ALL about them.

In this information age we're in, your journey can get overcomplicated and confusing with one simple Internet search. It's time to keep your journey SIMPLE, keep your efforts focused on the right things, and actually ENJOY this journey. Let's go.


  • Whole foods more often than processed

  • Eat to satiety

  • MindFULL over mindless (think, breathe, choose)


  • Meet your body where it's at

  • Be consistent



  • Baby stepping

  • Regularity


The afore mentioned things — nutrition, fitness, and sleep — are the FOUNDATIONS of weight loss for moms, but do you know the step before they ever BUILD a foundation for a building with framing and concrete?

They CLEAR the ground and DIG down into the ground. This step is synonymous with MINDSET. If you ignore this instrumental part of the process, you're building your weight loss house on sand instead of stone.

MINDSET needs to be —

  • realistic timeline

  • realistic progress

  • more good days than bad, more good choices than not

  • long term FOCUS vs instant gratification

Are you ready to go from overwhelmed and stuck to disciplined and consistent in your journey?

Book your Starting Point Session and let's get you on track to your healthiest life!


[00:00:00] We are going to lay some foundations to work from today, specifically when it comes to weight loss as a mom, because in this information age that we're in, it can get really complicated and really confusing, really fast, literally with one quick Google search, right? Like we've all been there. Oh my goodness.

There's so many different options and ways to do things. We're simplify. All of it today in this episode, you're gonna learn what the three foundations of postpartum weight loss are. So you can keep your journey simple, keep your efforts focused on the right things and actually see progress and feel confident and excited about your journey.

Not have it feel like this burden, but actually enjoy the process. So let's go.

Hey, mama. Welcome to the tough love mom podcast. I know you're here because you're ready to get consistent and finally lose that weight. And you're not afraid of a little tough love, you know, what to do to lose weight. [00:01:00] But following through on those things feels impossible. You wish you could just feel like you're strong, confident self again.

And want to be a good example for your little ones, but you get thrown off by mom guilt and the unpredictability of motherhood. It's frustrating taking on your journey. Postpartum is hard, but it's not impossible. Hey, I'm Liz and I've been where you are. I gained a lot of weight in my pregnancies, 90 pounds, and then 60 pounds.

I needed to lose that weight to take control of my health. And honestly just wanted to feel like myself again with. Sustainable approach to weight loss, simple consistency in working on my mindset. I lost it all in just over a year, both times. And I'm here to help you do the same. I believe that we have an ingrained ability to figure out what we need to do, make it happen and do it in a way that AWS the world.

If you're ready to stop falling off the wagon, create solid routine and healthy habits and finally feel your best inside. And. All while enjoying Dino nuggets on your salad, you are in the right place. We're about to [00:02:00] transform your journey. My friend get pumped up. It is tough. Love time.

One reason. I'm so it's really the main reason I'm so excited about today's episode is this is the foundations that we worked from on starting point sessions. So if you're ready to go from that overwhelmed feeling. Stuck feeling to discipline and consistent and actually having fun with your journey. I need to remind you to book your starting point session right now.

Imagine if working. And eating well. And all of these things were simple habits that you didn't have to force. You could actually attain sustainable weight loss without sacrifice. And this whole journey just felt more simple than it actually seems right? In this session. What we figure out is why you're stuck.

We identify your personal starting point, which spoiler comes from one of these three foundational pillars that we're gonna talk about today. So you're really getting the. And you're gonna get my accountability for two weeks with your starting point. So even more [00:03:00] accountability and guidance, if you do a package of three, but either way, you're gonna get real change.

You're gonna get real, just that feeling of confidence on your journey that you're doing the right things. You're approaching this in a sustainable way. That's going to actually create a lifestyle for you instead of just constant quick fixes. Because honestly, when we just say, I'm gonna do it this way for a few weeks and it's gonna make changes in my.

It's slapping a bandaid on, and we're not here for that. We're here for real change. So head to the tough love back slash coaching black back slash let me say that again. The tough love Back slash coaching to book your starting point session ASAP there's limited spots in July. So go grab yours right now.

I open up just eight. There's already a couple books, so I'll see you there again. The tough love Okay. Are you ready? So looking back at my journey, both postpartum journeys, I should say I just sat down and reflected a few weeks ago and I was like, What were the main things I focused on [00:04:00] because truly both of my journeys felt really simple because I approached it the way that I teach it.

I approached it in the way that I teach my starting point session clients. And, uh, the fun thing I'm coming out with this fall, all those things I teach is what I did and what made it simple. What kept it simple. And as I sat down and reflected, and I was like, what actually did I do? What was the process to make sure.

When I teach it here on this podcast for free and more in depth in my coaching sessions, I was like, when. When I did that, what did I do? And it really came down to these three foundational pillars that we're gonna learn about today. We're gonna dive into, and then there's one foundation that you gotta deal with.

First. You, you have to lay this foundation before you build up any of these three pillars. So first we're gonna talk about the three pillars that. Really just reinforce and strengthen your foundation. And then the one underlying thing that you need to address first. So the first pillar and you already, and the thing is, you know what these are, I'm just reinforcing it for you and pointing out.

It really is [00:05:00] simple. And I think what we tend to do here we go on a soapbox for a hot second. So sit with me here, but. I think what we tend to do is look at all that we wanna change and go, oh my goodness. There's so much in front of me. I feel really overwhelmed instead of just saying, okay, I'm gonna focus on one thing at a time.

I'm gonna reinforce it. It really is simple. If we get into this mindset and it's really easy to entertain or. Just, just repeat these thoughts on our head. That it's hard because motherhood's hard. There are plenty of things that go on day to day, even in my life now, still two years postpartum, almost it's hard.

Like I have hard moments all the time, every single day on my journey with my kids as a mom, as a wife, I mean, there are hard moments every day, but I think we can let that narrative repeat in our heads and we entertain it too often. And then that just seeps into every area of our life, our journey.

Included. And so what I want these foundational [00:06:00] pillars to remind you of today is that it is simple and we can very easily let that mindset of, and that feeling, not mindset, but just that feeling of it being hard, we can allow that to become a mindset. And when we do. Things that are simple things that we know are simple things that essentially are simple.

We start to say, well, okay, if it's simple, then it should be easy, but everything is hard. So even if it's simple, it's supposed to be easy, but my life is hard. It's not simple anymore. And it becomes complicated when really. It was always simple. These things are always simple. They don't change. It's kinda like the Lord, right?

He never changes. I'm just gonna drop that there. But these things never change. They're always simple. We just make them hard because we focus too much on hard. So that being said, what are these pillars? The first one you already know it. It's nutrition. And I teach a couple very specific points that keep it simple.

And this is exactly like I teach it cuz it's [00:07:00] exactly what I did to lose a combined 150 pounds over the course of, I think it was combined 26 months, like my two postpartum journeys a year and 14 months to lose all that weight. So that being said, what are these specific things within nutrition that keep it simple?

The first one is eating more whole foods. More often than processed foods. So just take a quick inventory of what you eat day to day and say, okay, am I like 50%, whole foods? Like things that don't really have a label and 50% processed foods, if you're 50, 50, cool next week, shoot shoot for 60 40, you know, just slowly change that ratio.

If you're already really awesome at eating lots of fruits and vegetables and, you know, lean proteins and things that. already, mostly whole foods, very unprocessed, and you don't eat a ton of processed foods, then we're gonna move on to the next simple thing that keeps it simple, keeps this foundational pillar of nutrition, simple and it's to eat to [00:08:00] satiety.

So eat to that feeling of fullness, eat to your stomach is content. And this is hard. This is one that can trip a lot of people up because we've essentially, especially the way. That the food industry produces things and fast food and all the stuff that's added into our food. It can make us, it, it like tricks our brain into thinking that we aren't full when we are, and we tend to turn off.

So it's partially not our fault, but it is partially our own. You know, ability to have ownership, because I do believe too, that we ourselves ignore those hunger cues. Ignore those cues of feeling full those cues of, okay, I'm content here. I can stop eating because of emotions because of how we grew up and what we were told, like clean play club.

That's something I grew up with. So totally something I still struggle with mentally, right? Like those are things that have turned off. Our hunger cues have turned off our ability to recognize. A willingness to [00:09:00] recognize our feeling of fullness. So that's another piece that really is simple eating too satiety, but we don't make it simple.

We make it harder than it needs to be. So that's a major part of that nutrition pillar. And the third part of that nutrition pillar that I love to focus in on is being mind full. A little pun there too. You could say F U L L like your stomach's full, mindful . I just thought that was fun over mindless being more mindful than you are mindless.

And when I say mindful, instead of emptying your thoughts, turning your brain off and just going to the pantry, just going to the freezer or the fridge and eating, taking a second. And I mean, this be, we don't do this as moms and I, I teach this because I have done this so many times and I have to go whoop, hold up a second, Liz, take a breath and like, let yourself stop for two seconds.

Cuz you don't, I don't stop like all day. I'm literally going some, I I'm getting better at this, but a [00:10:00] lot of the times I'm go, go, go all day nonstop. I don't turn my brain off. And that used to trip me up a lot with nutrition because I just wouldn't turn my brain off. I. Move into the next thing and then eat this thing.

And then, oh my gosh, I've eaten half, half the bag of chips. You know, you just don't realize what's going on. Cuz you don't let your brain be a brain you don't let your brain think. So. Breathe. Choose. That's what I love to teach that TBC. I don't like the word formula, but just TBC think breathe, choose.

Okay. Be more mindful over mindless. And I teach us more in depth with each starting point session client, and I'll teach us more in depth with what's coming out this fall. But when you take that second to actually think, take a breath and then choose what you're gonna do next instead of just react. and, and when I teach this more specifically, we talk specifically about morning, snacking afternoon, snacking, nighttime, snacking, cuz all those have different, I'm sensitive to use the word triggers, but they all have different, um, [00:11:00] things that make you just react versus thinking, breathing and choosing.

So again, the nutrition pillar, eating whole foods more often than processed foods, eating to that feeling of fullness, that feeling of contentness satiety and being more mindful. Then you are mindless when it comes to food. Okay. Next pillar, as you can probably already assume is fitness. And I think the third one will trip you up, but we'll get there in fitness.

I just have two, no three simple things that I want you to focus in on to keep it simple. And I think where we get tripped up with the fitness stuff. Is, we have so many options out there, which is a blessing. Like it can be a curse in the fact that there's so many choices, it's hard to make a choice. It's part of the reason I was really glad I had boys because when I looked at the girls section, I was like, wow, there's so many more clothes to choose from.

I would have such a hard time. if you're a boy, mom, and you can like vibe that, let me know. But I remember being like, wow, I'm so glad I have voice because there's less options and I'm not good when I have a lot of choices. So I get that the fitness piece can [00:12:00] be overwhelming and feel complicated, but the first thing I want you to do to keep it simple, uh, is meet your body where it's at.

So just be respectful and responsive to where your body's at because our postpartum journey is, man. I was just thinking about it a few days ago because I am doing. types of pushups and things with my body that I could not do even like six months post part. From both kids. My body's changed so much over the course of my first one, two years postpartum from both boys.

I mean, it changes so much. And so you both have to have grace with where you're at, if you're early on and take it slow, not expect too much from yourself before you're. Physically. I mean, it can take up to 18 months for our bodies to completely heal from pregnancy and birth 18 months. That's a year and a half.

For those of you who don't like math. That's a long time. I just got past that. Not too long ago. Earlier this year we hit the 18 month mark. So just wrap your [00:13:00] mind around that it can take up to 18 months for your body to heal. So really you shouldn't feel necessarily you shouldn't expect to feel back to your strength and endurance that you had before having kids.

For like 18 months, give yourself some time. Okay. So you do need to meet your body where it's at and in the same breath, give your, you know, as giving your body grace earlier on and not being too intense, too fast, because you could get hurt. You could actually slow your progress down is when you get further along challenge yourself.

Step up, like do harder workouts, do longer workouts. Just challenge yourself. Don't stay status quo because that's whoops, that's my water. Don't stay status quo because that's when you get bored, that's when you get frustrated, that's when you plateau change it up, meet your body where it's at, be responsive to what you actually enjoy.

That's another piece, but meet your body where it's. And I tell so many moms, if you are like right back to working out six weeks postpartum, please do some four. I don't care where it comes from, but do some [00:14:00] fourth trimester specific work, make sure advocate for yourself to get to a pelvic floor physical therapist, even if you had a perfect birth with no issues.

I mean, you still need to go. It is still a trauma to your pelvic floor, carrying a baby for nine months, giving birth. No matter how you give birth, you have to do that. And. You have to start restoring. I think restore restoration is the word you need to focus on early on. But even as you progress, you will gain strength.

You will, you know, gain muscle back and strength and endurance and feel better, but you have to be responsive to where you're at on your journey as you go. No matter when you start, no matter how long it takes, you have to meet your body where it's at. Okay. I went way too long on that one fitness. Another piece of it you can probably expect, I was gonna say this.

Be consistent. Set something realistic for yourself. You know, for me at first, when I got back to working out after having kids, uh, four days a week is what I stayed [00:15:00] consistent with for like two or three months, because that was realistic for me. It was four days a week. Your girl did 75 hard live hard.

I'm finishing phase three in July, actually. Um, the whole live hard year thing finishing in July, but that was, that was like 90 minutes of exercise a day. And 45 of it had to be outside. I mean, that's a lot. Working out and, and all that. So that's like major consistency, but I didn't start with that. I started with four days a week and it was like 20 to 30 minutes a day.

It was not a lot of exercise. It was not crazy intense, but I was consistent. And I got to build on that consistency. When you try to 180, you've heard me say this before, but when you tried a 180 from zero to a hundred. You are not a Corvette. My girl, like, I love you, but we can't go from zero to 60 zero to a hundred.

And like 0.2 seconds. We can't that's that's when your like, tires spin out and they burn out and there's the, the smoke that comes off the tires and they skid a little bit, like not a good [00:16:00] idea. Right? We don't wanna do that. We wanna be like the minivan or the SUV that takes off from the light and we're good to go and we can cruise and we got the snacks passing back, you know what I'm saying?

So be consistent. Do what's sustain. Okay, you can build on it. If you start small, you get to build on it. Starting point stepping stones on each path. Right. fitness, meet your body, where it's at be consistent. And the last one I'll be quick with this one is enjoy what you're doing. This will change she's into season.

It will like at first it's gonna be mentally hard to get back to any type of workout. It was for me and personally, I deemed myself like the queen of consistency. When it comes to working out, I love working out. It was hard. I like did not wanna work out the first few times I did first few weeks, honestly.

Um, But you just gotta, you just gotta enjoy what you're doing and be responsive to it. Give yourself time to adjust if you're not enjoying it at first, because that's okay. You're not gonna enjoy everything you do. And if it persists where you're like, I really don't like these workouts. I really need to change [00:17:00] it up and do something different.

Okay, girl. Good. Do it, change it. But you do have to give yourself that time of adjustment those couple days or weeks of adjusting and saying, if you do actually enjoy something, okay. But do what you enjoy make fitness enjoyable. Like I'm not gonna go take my kids on a six mile run in the double Bob every single day, because that would not be enjoyable for any of us.

It's like 110 degrees here in Las Vegas. So we ain't doing that. We are barely going outside for walks or runs, cuz it is way too hot. So do what you enjoy. What's doable for your, your schedule, your life, your preferences, all of that. Okay. So fitness meet your body where it's at. Be consistent and enjoy.

Your workouts. Okay. Now this last pillar, you might not guess it. We had the first one was nutrition. The second one was fitness and this third pillar, and again, it's for postpartum weight loss. So what's important for weight loss, keeping cortisol levels in check, you know, which is kind of hard is a mama because quite the [00:18:00] adjustment, uh, what do we need to focus on sleep?

And you're probably rolling your eyes at me right now. I can take it roll. 'em all the way back in your head. I can take it. Okay. Sleep is very important for weight loss, because if our sleep is off, our hormones get really thrown off and boom, like it, it also can throw you off mentally. You're more agitated, you're more impulsive.

So sleep affects a lot of things. And I know because my second didn't sleep for a whole year through the night. I know we're not in control of. I know we're not in control of it, but this is a, it is a pillar of, of this foundation's for postpartum weight loss. And it might be the last one you work on. It might be the last one you can hone in on and that's okay.

It was the last one I could hone in on, to be honest. And right now just full transparency. My sleep habits are not the best, cuz I'm still recovering from that pretty hard time change from Hawaii. So total transparency sleep is the hardest. To reinforce to build up, but it is a [00:19:00] foundational pillar for a postpartum weight loss period.

Fight me on it. Don't but it really is important. So the best way to approach this again, we're gonna talk about something real, real quick. After this sleep pillar, that will put you more at ease with how to approach this, cuz you might be starting to feel overwhelmed, but just take a deep breath. We'll get there.

We will get through it. Sleep baby step. So. I do want, you know, I always tell mamas, wait until like, wait to address this piece. Wait to address getting up earlier until you're little one's sleeping through the night. Like what's the point of trying to get up at 5:00 AM if you're still waking up even just twice or once.

Why do you wanna do that to yourself? You get to bed at 10 finally, and that's, you know, early for some of us, you get to bed at 10, your baby's waking up at like midnight, let's say, and maybe even 3:00 AM. And you're trying to get up at five girl. You're getting maybe four hours of sleep. It's broken up.

That's exhausting. You should not be focusing on getting up before your kids trying to be an [00:20:00] early riser. If you don't have to be, if you're still waking up like that at night. So again, this is probably the last pillar that we're gonna focus in on, but when you do get to focus in on it, the two things I teach that are key and simple, again, that keep it simple is baby stepping it backwards.

So a lot of moms, once they kind of get other things down, nutrition's feeling a little better, more consistent with workouts and I'm like, okay, I wanna get into a better routine. And often our routine is dictated by our sleep. It's our routine is dictated by how we start our day. And if you're starting your day on your own accord, you're starting your day dictated by you because no one else is up and demanding things of you yet.

That feels a lot different than if you're starting your day. By hearing a kid crying from mom, right. Way different feeling, been in both places for very long amounts of time. So I get. . But when you do get to the point where you can start focusing on that and you, if you do wanna start getting up earlier, not telling you have to be a morning person, but it does help [00:21:00] you establish routine for your day.

If you can. You wanna baby step your wake up time and you're going to sleep time. Your bedtime. talking about bedtime for adults. It always cracks me up, but you wanna baby step those backwards, you know, going from being a 7:30 AM riser with your kids, being your alarm clock, to trying to get up at 5:00 AM the next day, you're gonna struggle.

It might work for a few days. You're gonna fall off and get frustrated. Like I guarantee it, your body is not wired to be able to do that. And those of you that have to do that kind of thing, have to change and mess with your circadian rhythms because of your job. I don't know how you do it. I truly don't.

It amazes me and I have so much respect for you. And I also have so much. I don't know if empathy is the word, like heartbreaks for you. Cause that's just gotta be exhausting. So those of you that do that major props, hopefully there comes a day where you don't have to do that. But when it comes to trying to wake up earlier, you have to baby, step it backwards.

It's like anything else in your journey. If you try to 180, how you're doing stuff and just completely [00:22:00] change it, you're gonna struggle. You're gonna fall off and falling off is frustrating. No matter who you. No matter who you are. So baby, step it backwards. I, I recommend 10 to 15 minute increments. And honestly, for me, getting up earlier consistently takes a couple months going from like seven a my kids usually wake up by 6 37.

So if I'm being generous, 7:00 AM wake ups to getting up at like 5, 5 30 takes for me. Now only about a. . But when I first did that, after both kids were born and started getting up earlier, it took me a couple months to get to that point and have it feel normal. Have it feel like this is just when my body wakes me up now it took like three months.

So again, baby stepping it backwards. Part of the reason it took so long was because I was baby stepping it 10 to 15 minute increments, and I was taking a couple weeks at a time to let those incre. Of change, truly seep into my, the way my body was working. Um, and the next piece for sleep that is important, keeps it [00:23:00] simple.

Is regularity keeping the same or similar. Bed times and wake up times because if you're constantly changing it up and again, this is when those of you who like work shifts or have to change it because of whatever. I just have mad respect. Like I don't cuz I don't know how you do it. And you're probably chronically exhausted because of it outta your control.

But regularity is very important. And if you can have regularity, if you don't work shifts, if you can do it where. you're going to bed around the same, like 30, 45 minute window and waking up within that same 30, 45 minute window. That's really. Because if you let's and, and I do like sleep in usually once a week, but it's maybe by an hour at most because my body just wakes me up like six 30 is kind of the latest I can wake up.

So again, with sleep, baby stepping the changes that you're making and having regularity. Or you could say consistency with when you go to bed and when you wake up is really important, cuz then it doesn't [00:24:00] throw your body off, which can affect how you are throughout the day. That impulsivity, that being reactionary that can be impacted by you not having that regularity with your sleep.

So nutrition, fitness, and sleep. Those are the three main pillars for postpartum weight loss. There's one piece that I said needs to be laid before all of those. And you might be able to guess what it is, but it is mindset. The a four mentioned things, nutrition, fitness, and sleep are the foundations of weight loss, but what's really cool.

I wanna teach you real quick about foundations and how they're built because mindset comes before all of this. So when we're talking about foundations before they ever even build a foundation like for a house or a building or whatever, before they even build the foundation, With framing and with concrete, what they do first is they clear the ground.

So they like clear all the debris and all the junk and they level it out. And then they dig down into the ground. Okay. [00:25:00] This step, what they do when they're literally literally building a foundation of clearing the ground clear and dig, clearing the ground and digging down is synonymous with you getting your mindset, right.

it's literally step zero. It's like not step one. It is step zero. It is. If you skip over this, nothing else will work. I'm serious. This is when you get into that. I don't wanna call it a quick fix mindset because I feel like it's used way too often, but that's when you get into this mindset and you don't even realize it, it's just becomes like how you, your brain functions and how you think about health and fitness and weight loss and nutrition and all of it.

as you think about it as I'll try this and if it doesn't work, I'll try something else. Oh, it worked. I'll keep doing that. Oh, I fell off now I have to try something else or I fell off. I need to get back to your white niggling things. It's because you never dealt with this step zero, this foundation, this mindset.

So before ever building the foundations of weight loss, the nutrition, the fitness, the sleep. If you [00:26:00] ignore this instrumental part of the process of clearing the ground of clearing, just past beliefs, clearing the doubts, clearing the things you thought were true, you know, clearing out anything you believed before and then digging down into.

Who you are, why you want this, you know, digging down into just so many things like what deep down is driving you, what deep down do you actually want? And what's so amazing is the first, like 15, 20 minutes of your starting point session. We do this and it gets so kind of emotional sometimes because you really realize like, what's driving me.

Why do I finally want weight loss the right way? Why do I finally wanna just make this a lifestyle and stop trying to like. Fix things left and right. And slap bandaids on these gaping wounds. Why do I want to actually make real change? That's what we dig into. And that's what this piece is. You're clearing the ground.

You're getting rid of all the, the noise you're putting your blinders on. You're just, you're just brushing it all away. You should see me with my arms right [00:27:00] now. I look like a bird trying to fly, but you're, you're brushing it all away. You're getting it out the way. So you can dig down and figure out why you're actually doing this.

If you ignore this part of the process. If you, if you try to just fix your fitness or fit, fix your nutrition or fix your sleep before dealing with any of the mindset stuff, you're building your weight loss house on sand instead of stone. Okay. So some mindset things. And if you've listened to this podcast for any amount of time, you can probably point 'em out.

You've been very well equipped on the mindset side, I will say, but some mindset, things that just came to mind as I was taking notes for this episode were being realistic. And I've already said that I've already said that today, you need to be realistic with your timeline, with what visual progress will look like with what your journey will look like.

And I think what helps with being realistic is putting your blinders on like total transparency. I don't follow a lot of my, uh, what do you call 'em counterparts on any? I don't really consume anything on social media as it is, but [00:28:00] I just get on their post get off, but I don't follow anyone. Who's really my counterpart because.

I just don't wanna consume that stuff. I keep my blinders on. I keep my blinders on. So keep your blinders on, be realistic. And it's way easier to do that when you're not looking left and right. And comparing yourself to everyone else, be realistic, you know, look down at what you're doing. Look up. Long term at why you're doing this and look back down at the day to day.

Okay. Another mindset piece that I think is important to just remember to stay encouraged because it can get really discouraging sometimes is to have more good days than bad days. And you already do, like, I'm just gonna point that out for you right now. You probably already have more good days than you do bad days, just in general.

We just focus our we're, our brains are wired to focus on the negative, to focus on. What's hard to focus on what hurts our brains are wired to do that, to protect us. So it might feel like you have more bad days on your journey than you do. Good. It might feel like [00:29:00] you're making more self sabotaging choices than good choices, but truth is it's probably the opposite.

and another, another piece of this that's similar to this more good days than bad. When you hear that 80, 20 like, oh, I do nutrition 80, 20, or 70 30, or whatever. What that really means is that that person is making more productive, helpful choices than self sabotaging choices. And like I said, you're probably already doing that.

You're probably even if it's like 60, 40, you're probably, if you're being intentional at all. Have more good going on than not so good. You probably do. You're just not giving yourself the credit for it. So I just want you to start checking yourself when those negative thoughts come up. Are you entertaining them or are you saying, wait a second, let me think about what's actually happening, what I'm actually doing.

Oh, wait, I am making more good choices than not helpful choices. So just remember that, like, I just wanna remind you of that right now. And then last piece of mindset. And I already said this, but long term [00:30:00] focus. Versus instant gratification. So yes, it is important to focus on the here and now and what choices you're making in the moment, but instead of making those choices so you can get a result right now, so you can feel better right now, focus on the now focus on making those choices and then look up and have a long term focus as to why you're doing this.

Instead of keeping your focus down. I hope you're getting this like visual this metaphor instead of keeping your focus down. In tying the here and now to an instant result, to an instant gratification. Look here and now look at this choice here and now, and then gaze up with your blinders on gaze up at why you're doing this.

Why you dug down into the ground before you built this foundation, and then look back down at your day to day and the choices you're making. okay with your blinders on the whole time, like a racehorse you're focused on your path. You're focused on your journey. You're focused on why you are doing this, not why anyone else is not why I'm doing it, [00:31:00] why you are doing it.

And then you get back to making your day to day choices and remembering that, Hey, I am making more productive choices than I am sabotaging choices. And that's true, no matter what, you know, no matter what the enemy's trying to plant in my head, no matter what he's trying to tell. I am making more good choices than not good choices.

I am being realistic about my timeline and my progress, and I am joyful. Like when you can get in that mindset, all of this is so much more enjoyable. All of this will feel so much better and won't feel like a burden. And then you can start focusing on nutrition or on fitness or on sleep. Cause you do 'em one at a time.

There are one path at a time, one pillar at a time. And then within that pillar, within that path, you are starting with a step with a starting point and taking it one starting point and stepping stone at a time. For real, it is a process, but again, you can do it, but you're doing that and going okay. This is actually enjoyable and it feels simple.

And even [00:32:00] though it's a long process, you already said, my mindset is realistic timeline. I've actually let go of the expectation of how long this is gonna take. And I'm just here for the ride. Like you are already in that mindset. So it makes building these pillars so much easier. And that's where simple meets easy.

Yes, there are days that's hard and harder than you ever want it to be. But more often, it will feel more simple than it used to because your mindset was in the right place. And you're focused on one thing at a time you're building these pillars so strong. So you can actually make this a lifestyle like, oh, I wish we could just all just grasp this.

So what I want you to do is determine from listening to this what's off for you, or where do you need to focus first? What one piece of this foundation can you focus in on? Is it fitness? Is it nutrition? Is it, is it your. where are you gonna focus? Or what do you need to reinforce and then move on. Okay.

[00:33:00] Or maybe you don't need to focus on any of these pillars yet. Do you need to get your mindset right before you do any of this work? Are you realizing shoot? There are pieces of my mindset that I need to really hammer in on. Figure out good news is this week in thet of mom squad. And it'll be up forever once I get it up there.

But you are going to have access just in thet of mom squad on Facebook. So make sure you're go, you go over there and join, but you're gonna get access to the podcast episode catalog. What, where do we at 80 episodes already? Are you kidding me? 79, 80 on Thursday. Crazy. But we're at 80 episodes and I have been creating over time an entire catalog for you.

So you can search any topic. You can search any keyword. I've got so many different categories, weight loss, nutrition, fitness, mindset, body image, competence. So many things I've categorized all the episodes. So you can search them by. Category, you can search them by keywords. You can search it by guests that iPad on and you get links to the episode links to any discount [00:34:00] codes, links to their websites, their Instagrams.

If they were guests, you get links to everything that you need, and that will be available for you in the teel mom squad on Facebook. So go search there, but. No matter what it is. So I was saying that because if you need to work on that mindset foundation, before you build up any of these pillars, there are a lot of mindset episodes that we have done over the course of 79 episodes.

And they will all be in the mindset category for you in that catalog. All you gotta do is search mindset. And there's like, I mean, at least two dozens. So you are covered and you will build up that mindset, honestly. Yes. The coaching sessions are phenomenal. Cause we're gonna get you results quicker than trying to do this on your own in what's coming out with this fall.

What I'm coming out with this fall will be the same thing. It'll just be more self-guided um, more group accountability and community with other women, but what you can get on this podcast, literally everything I teach here at some. It's for free. Like the podcast is for free, all of it and everything I teach here, you can piece it together yourself.

[00:35:00] Absolutely. And figure this out. And so that catalog's gonna help a lot with that. But if you, if you need to identify right now, which pillar you need to focus in on, or if mindset's the piece that you're like, I gotta get this right. And I need some encouragement before I dive into nutrition or before I dive into fitness or my sleep, if you need help identifying what that is, or just working out some kinks, cuz you can't seem to work 'em out on your own, which.

I get, like, I have been there both in business in my own journey. If you need help with that book, your starting point session, that is what we do. We in 45 minutes, we're gonna uncover why you're stuck, why you're actually doing this. Right. We're gonna clear the ground and then dig down deep. And then we're gonna just encourage you, get you some of that mindset pieces in play to really, you know, reinforce that ground.

Pour the concrete build the foundational pieces, and we're gonna start building up those pillars one at a time. So we're gonna figure out, do you need to focus on fitness, nutrition, or sleep and routine? Like which ones it gonna be first? And we're gonna keep it simple. You're gonna get your starting point.

You're gonna get accountability from [00:36:00] me and I'm gonna keep you focused on the right things in the right order. So your foundation is solid, so solid. I cannot wait again. Go to the tough of Get one of those sessions right now, get on my books in July. Don't have a lot of spots open, um, because it's, you know, it's a family month, but I have some spots open for you.

So go grab one and I cannot wait to work with you. Go build that foundation, sister, like you are capable, clear the ground, get that mindset right. Get your mindset strong again, so much on the podcast already for you in that area. And then let's start building up those foundational pillars because that is how you make change and it can be simple.

Ooh, it can. And I want it to be simple for all moms. It's not gonna be easy. That's why I'm the T of mom, because I'm here to encourage you and spur you on and point out that. Yeah. There's gonna be hard moments. Yeah. It's gonna stink sometimes. Yeah. You know what? You just have to trudge through the hard sometimes.

And it's not gonna be easy when you're changing your habits, but when you can keep it [00:37:00] simple, it's a little bit easier when you can do it in community. It's a lot easier when you do it with accountability from a friend, when you do it the right way, when you do it in a way that is sustainable. you will actually make change.

And I know that's what you're here for. So let's go get after it before you go. Thank you for spending this time with me on the tough love mom podcast. If this episode encouraged you in any way, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a review. Letting me know how this show has impacted you. Then send this episode to another mom friend or.

Take a screenshot, post it on social media and tag me so I can personally thank you for helping me on this journey to impact thousands of moms. I'm so grateful to be on this journey with your sister until next time. Get after it.


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